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Using the Maven plugin


Dokka Maven plugin does not support multi-platform projects.

Minimal Maven configuration is


By default files will be generated in target/dokka.

The following goals are provided by the plugin:

  • dokka:dokka - generate HTML documentation in Dokka format (showing declarations in Kotlin syntax)
  • dokka:javadoc - generate HTML documentation in Javadoc format (showing declarations in Java syntax)
  • dokka:javadocJar - generate a .jar file with Javadoc format documentation

Configuration options

The available configuration options are shown below:


        <!-- Set to true to skip dokka task, default: false -->

        <!-- Default: ${project.artifactId} -->

        <!-- Default: ${project.basedir}/target/dokka -->

        <!-- Use default or set to custom path to cache directory to enable package-list caching. -->
        <!-- When set to default, caches stored in $USER_HOME/.cache/dokka -->

        <!-- Set to true to to prevent resolving package-lists online. -->
        <!-- When this option is set to true, only local files are resolved, default: false -->

        <!-- List of '.md' files with package and module docs -->
        <!-- -->

        <!-- A list of visibility modifiers that should be documented -->
        <!-- If set by user, overrides includeNonPublic. Default is PUBLIC -->
            <visibility>PUBLIC</visibility> <!-- Same for both kotlin and java -->
            <visibility>PRIVATE</visibility> <!-- Same for both kotlin and java -->
            <visibility>PROTECTED</visibility> <!-- Same for both kotlin and java -->
            <visibility>INTERNAL</visibility> <!-- Kotlin-specific internal modifier -->
            <visibility>PACKAGE</visibility> <!-- Java-specific package-private visibility (default) -->

        <!-- List of sample roots -->

        <!-- Suppress obvious functions like default toString or equals. Defaults to true -->

        <!-- Suppress all inherited members that were not overriden in a given class. -->
        <!-- Eg. using it you can suppress toString or equals functions but you can't suppress componentN or copy on data class. To do that use with suppressObviousFunctions -->
        <!-- Defaults to false -->

        <!-- Used for linking to JDK, default: 6 -->

        <!-- Do not output deprecated members, applies globally, can be overridden by packageOptions -->
        <!-- Emit warnings about not documented members, applies globally, also can be overridden by packageOptions -->
        <!-- Do not create index pages for empty packages -->

        <!-- Short form list of sourceRoots, by default, set to ${project.compileSourceRoots} -->

        <!-- Full form list of sourceRoots -->
                <!-- See platforms section of documentation -->

        <!-- Specifies the location of the project source code on the Web. If provided, Dokka generates "source" links
             for each declaration. -->
                <!-- Source directory -->
                <!-- URL showing where the source code can be accessed through the web browser -->
                <url></url> <!-- //remove src/main/kotlin if you use "./" above -->
                <!--Suffix which is used to append the line number to the URL. Use #L for GitHub -->

        <!-- Disable linking to online kotlin-stdlib documentation  -->

        <!-- Disable linking to online JDK documentation -->

        <!-- Allows linking to documentation of the project's dependencies (generated with Javadoc or Dokka) -->
                <!-- Root URL of the generated documentation to link with. The trailing slash is required! -->
                <!-- If package-list file located in non-standard location -->
                <!-- <packageListUrl>file:///home/user/localdocs/package-list</packageListUrl> -->

        <!-- Allows to customize documentation generation options on a per-package basis -->
                <!-- Will match kotlin and all sub-packages of it -->

                <!-- All options are optional, default values are below: -->

                <!-- Emit warnings about not documented members  -->

                <!-- Deprecated. Prefer using documentedVisibilities -->

                <!-- A list of visibility modifiers that should be documented -->
                <!-- If set by user, overrides includeNonPublic. Default is PUBLIC -->
                    <visibility>PUBLIC</visibility> <!-- Same for both kotlin and java -->
                    <visibility>PRIVATE</visibility> <!-- Same for both kotlin and java -->
                    <visibility>PROTECTED</visibility> <!-- Same for both kotlin and java -->
                    <visibility>INTERNAL</visibility> <!-- Kotlin-specific internal modifier -->
                    <visibility>PACKAGE</visibility> <!-- Java-specific package-private visibility (default) -->

        <!-- Allows to use any dokka plugin, eg. GFM format   -->

        <!-- Configures a plugin separately -->
                <!-- Configuration -->


Applying plugins

You can add plugins inside the dokkaPlugins block:


Some plugins can be configured separately using plugin's fully qualified name. For example:

            <customStyleSheet><!-- path to custom stylesheet --></customStyleSheet>
            <customAsset><!-- path to custom asset --></customAsset>

Example project

Please see the Dokka Maven example project for an example.

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